Monday, November 19, 2007

Seder Meal

On October 25th, we had a traditional Seder (Passover) meal led by our Jewish history teacher Orphir Yardin. Normally, Passover is in April, but since we aren't going to be here our teachers thought it would be a good experience for us to have. I got to sit at a table with Lauren Timmons and President Hayes. We had some really good conversation and heard some great stories. We went through the traditional rituals, with washings, readings, and eating the traditional food. Passover passages were read throughout the meal. There were groups who sang traditional Passover songs (I was in three of them), and even a couple boys in our group who put one of those songs to a rap. ;) It was a very good cultural experience. I think we all really enjoyed ourselves!

1 comment:

Holley said...

What a fun experience! Shannon, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor in the name of familial bonds. My son, Wesley, can get extra credit in his world history class if he gets a postcard from a foreign country. Would you take pity on a struggling high school sophomore and send him a postcard?
Wesley Berry
5200 Crumpler Lane #17
Graham, NC 27253

I would really appreciate it!