Saturday, November 1, 2008

Music for a Summer Evening on August 5, 2008

In August Dad, Mom, Krista, and I, along with some friends, attended a Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert up in the Tabernacle. The performance was called "Music for a Summer Evening", The first part of the performance included LDS artists such as Kenneth Cope, Hillary Weeks, and Michael McLean, among others. Those wonderful performances just set the stage for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. You could feel the spirit so strong in the Tabernacle as the choir performed. My favorite moment of the night was when they sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". The music and the words are so inspiring, and the choir sang it magnificently. I was glad I was able to share this night with my family and with one of my good friends Elise Gubler. It really was a wonderful night.

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